Chie Sato RodenIBLA Foundation winner, Chie Sato Roden's career as a pianist emerged when Bernard Holland reviewed her New York debut recital of contemporary Japanese piano pieces with these stirring words: "Miss Roden played as if she cherished every note of this music. Her technique -- especially her control of dynamics -- was impressive" The New York Times September 20, 1981 . Since then, she has given numerous concerts in the US , UK , Canada , Italy , Russia , Norway, France , Germany and Japan , featuring contemporary compositions from both Japanese and American composers. During this time, she introduced more than 50 Japanese pieces (most of them premiers) to American and European audiences. Illustrative of this effort was her recital, "An Afternoon of Japanese and American Piano Music," at Weill Recital Hall in October of 1993, for which Allan Kozinn of the NY Times described Roden as "an energetic, compelling advocate for her trans-Pacific repertory." Selections for this recital were also performed for the "Around New York" show at WNYC; and the entire program was repeated in the fall of l994 at Tokyo 's Bario Hall. For the 25th anniversary celebration of her principal piano teacher, Prof. Samuel Dilworth-Leslie at Rutgers University , she performed an American piece, "Winnsboro Cotton Mill Blues" from the North American Ballads by Frederic Rzewski. About this performance, Peter Spencer wrote: "Another victory of line over incoherence came from one of Dilworth-Leslie's former students, Chie Sato Roden. In her reading... she displayed the interpretive skills of her teacher. The work begins with highly mechanized abstraction, repeated drumming dissonances on the piano's lowest notes to represent, no doubt, the infernal machines the composer wishes to evoke. But even when she was whacking the keyboard with her elbow Roden gave the impression that more was to come, and it came, mutating into a demented eight-to-the- bar jazz pattern that flowered into Gershwinesque sevenths and then a delightful hillbilly-blues section before vanishing into the same kind of mechanistic dissonance that opened the work, but this time more softly and on the very top keys." The Star-Ledger March 24, 1994 .
On May 28th 2003 Moltisanti and Roden again gave a joint recital, each played some pieces from Olivier Messian's "Vingt Regards Sur L'Enfant-Jesus." Roden's performance of a piece from from this monumental work impressed Giovanni Pasqual in a concert organized by the Lyceum of Catania, Italy. "In conclusione é intervenuta anche la pianista Chie Sato Roden, anch'essa distiGntasi all'Ibla Grand Prize eseguendo con squisita eleganza e magistrale grazia fonica e timbrica il pezzo Bacio per il bambin Gesú dai Venti sguardi sul Bambin Gesú di Oliver Messiaen." Nuovo Abruzzo Press, March 24, 2004. Roden has recorded two compact discs: Charles Ives' "Concord Sonata" (l988) and "Selected Piano Works by Contemporary Japanese Composers" (l989) for ALM Records in Japan . For the fall of 2004, Roden is scheduled to give recitals in Wisconsin , Michigan , and Fujisawa , Japan. Please contact chieroden@earthlink.net for further details.